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I work as a firewatcher in summer and we had a ton of big wildfires 2 years ago in Spain, (also under suspicious circumstances), so this hits on a personal level.
What worries me the most is that these disasters are becoming more and more frequent, we currently have no means to stop them, and on the long run they can devolve into different environmental issues... But people don't seem too concerned about it.

As terrible as this is, lets hope it works as a wake-up call for people in your country, and preventive measures are taken so that it doesn't repeat on the same scale.

Please accept my sincere condolences about the tragedy that has befallen you. Living in a country ravaged by a brutal war, that has already claimed hundreds of thousands of human and non-human lives and did immeasurable damage to nature, I am especially torn by the images of burned-down houses and habitats being destroyed. This is all too close to my heart. However, as my experience in Ukraine has taught me, it is in moments of despair like this that acts of human kindness, selflessness, and solidarity - your game being one of them - shine the most.

Unfortunately, I am currently in no financial position to donate to your cause. But I will do my best to spread the word about your plight and get as many people to know about your game as I can.

Thank you for doing what you are doing. I wish all the strength and resilience to your close ones who suffered from the disaster.

A veces usar medios artistícos para difundir mensajes importantes tienen más impacto de lo que podemos creer. Soy de Chile y a pesar de no vivir cerca de donde ocurrio el incendio, admiro el tiempo que se dio para realizar este juego, donare a penas las circunstancias me lo permitan!

Wow, super creative way to bring awareness to this. Art is incredible

Update: We added music to the game.

Dealing creatively with grief, loss and trauma can get so difficult - the work can quickly get selfish or self-involved, but you really managed to create something joyful out of tremendous loss.  There’s always that worry of being insensitive to others' pain when you make something ‘fun’ or enjoyable - but your game in no way trivializes it.  If anything, it works as a visual and sonic map of the trauma.  You’re literally writing/coding history.  I’m just so impressed.

Such a cool way of bringing awareness to this issue!

Muchas gracias por los esfuerzos! Fuerza para chile, saludos desde Argentina!

Thank you for generating support! 👏👏👏

The art is beautiful which makes the whole thing more gut wrenching, thanks for making this, it helped me at least to get a better understanding on what's happening.

Gracias por hacer esta gran labor para darle mas difusión a este desastre que esta ocurriendo en Chile, fuerza para toda la gente de allá. 

Such an important piece of art. Thanks for creating this! Fuerza Chile! 

Lo siento mucho por todo lo que les está sucediendo, espero les pueda llegar la ayuda que necesitan

Gracias por tan loable desarrollo. Lamentable la situación, mucha fuerza y ánimos a Chile.

Fuerza Chile!

Thanks fro making this!

Great initiative to bring more attention to the situation. Really recommend it.


Hermoso e informativo.

(No sé si era necesario entrar en especulación sobre causas, eso sí. Fuera de ello se aprecia infinito.)

Playing the game helped me understand what's going on over there right now and the root cause.

It is a truly devastating tragedy. Botanic gardens are pivotal for science and for conservation efforts, when you also consider the material, human, and non-human losses it becomes incommensurable.